Over the years, Fibox has helped many companies find the right polycarbonate enclosure solution. If you have questions regarding how we can help with your application, don’t hesitate to contact Fibox.
A Sticky Situation
An East Coast smart building solutions company offering an affordable facility monitoring and controls platform for the commercial and industrial building market wanted a better solution than fixing stickers on their products.
The Problem:
Over time, the company’s labels would peel, and because they were applied manually, some were slightly off-level.
The Solution:
The client examined a sample Fibox non-metallic polycarbonate enclosure with printing. They recognized the quality and value of the superior Fibox enclosure compared to the cabinet with vinyl logo sticker they had previously used.
Even though the laser screen printing process cost 15 times more than a vinyl logo sticker, the overall finish and quality of the printing on the Fibox enclosure was incomparable. Because it added to the overall quality of their product, it was worth the increased costs.
PEMs™ the Facts
A leading pioneer in the communication industry was creating a new project and wanted a more polished look to their product.
The Problem:
The company’s latest solution was designed using a DIN rail instead of a back panel. This client has a reputation for being the best and going the extra mile.
The Solution:
Using a DIN rail instead of a back panel configuration enabled the client to swap out relays and other components. Although a metal screw provides enough contact for everyday applications, the client wanted to move from a sheet metal screw to a machine screw due to the constant vibration and the potential to back the screw out.
Fibox recommended inserting a PEM™ into the DIN rail frame, giving the solution a more finished look and providing a grip for the screw to anchor into, for an extra secure connection. Fibox added the PEMs™ to the DIN rail frames, then inserted this sub-assembly into the enclosures in our distribution center.
Circuit Breaker
A remote sensing company’s new product was arriving damaged, and they needed a fast solution.
The Problem:
A manufacturing company noticed that about 15% of their newest product modules were not working when they arrived at their destinations. Another 4% were failing in their first few weeks in the field. Further examination showed the PCB (printed circuit boards) used in the product were cracking and breaking off the back panel mounting pods, presumably while transported.
Their current enclosure provider suggested integrating their PCB into a thicker plastic back panel or metal panel. Changing the mounting panel was not an option. That is when they turned to Fibox.
The Solution:
Fibox’s application engineering department conducted testing to evaluate the situation and then redesigned the enclosure mounting pods to support the PCB where the weight was the greatest.
Standing the Test of Time
Overview:When a leading solar-tracker company needed an enclosure solution easily integrated into their designs that would stand the test of time in harsh environments without cracking, leaking, or rusting, they turned to Fibox.
The Problem:
The company’s previous enclosure provider’s product failed after a few years in the field, creating an urgent need for a replacement NEMA 4X enclosure, that would not fail, due to prolonged UV exposure.
Keeping ample stock of non-metallic polycarbonate enclosures, Fibox customized the needed box to their design parameters, and the client began retrofitting the new polycarbonate cabinet.